Does That Come With Fries?

We’re at the community pool almost every day in the summer.

We buy a family pass and we swim from 5:30-closing at least 3 times a week.

It’s great exercise and a fun way to bond as a family. In fact, it’s the first of our homeschooling efforts to show fruition, as we’ve been teaching the kids to swim ourselves and they’re really doing well.

The only down side is that we eat after we swim, so we’re usually starving by then and the kids can get pretty grumpy!

This fact was driven home the other day when I asked Hubby what he wanted for dinner as we left the pool, and Monkey piped up from the back seat to say that he wanted a Happy Meal. Immediately, Cupcake yelled out “well, if he wants a Happy Meal, then I want a Sad Meal!”

And, in case you were wondering….laughing at a grumpy child is not a good idea.  Trust me on this one.